After a client meeting (see the above photo) today I got to go antique shopping with my mom. She made the asture observation that I would probably never buy new furniture (except mattresses and couches if I can find good used ones because of my back...) ever again. Of course, she is terribly right. I covet houses like Alicia has, the word minimalist does not exist in my vocab!

That being said, no new cool furniture for me- ask me where I would put it! But I did score some awesome shoe- I rarely seem ones with hinges, much less with anything that would allow someone to grip the forms while they worked on the shoe. They almost exactly match my antique glove/hands- which are of course still cooler.
For Fiber Friday-

A set of fibers dyed with turmeric, known more for its pretty color that it lends to dishes but bland taste that it imparts to food- leaving it open to lovely cardamom, allspice, cinnamon, and whatever else you can imagine (but not in my dye bath!) Beets were added to make a more mustard tone to the fibers with the exception of the cotton, which has no beet in the dyebath. Beets do no dye it orange as you can see, since I was not using a mordant past vinegar (which is great with Turmeric)which would really set the color of the beets.
The wool (back left) and cotton (front) were dip dyed slowly with no soaking to get an uneven effect- previous dying and spinning/weaving of the bright yellow as a solid to be a bit much. The mohair was soaked ever so slightly, but picked up much more of the deep yellow.
*I know they are called something else, but the name escapes me. Anyone?
edit* Thanks emma! They are indeed "lasts". hehe
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