Using the kindle app is much like reading a PDF version of a pattern on your computer- but with the added bonus that it is easy to add notes to yourself!
Download the kindle app for your computer on the App page of Amazon
To mark my location I use one (or more of the following):
- Highlight. For directions I am only working once, I highlight them to show I have completed the directions. To highlight, right click and select highlight, or click and drag before clicking highlight to highlight a section.
- For repeats, I make faux hatch marks by typing in "1" as a note. This works well either every row or every repeat. If I do it for every repeat I add to the note which row I stopped on mid repeat.
- Charts- it is easiest to just use a sticky note on my screen. I know, I know, cheating. But hey, it works for me. Since I can't note on the chart what row I stopped on easily (since it is an image), I make a note nearby.
PS- the pattern shown is the Bokeh Hat Knitting Pattern
PPS- highlighting and using notes to mark rows works just as well on a Kindle. I am just losing my voice to much thanks to a nasty cold to make another video!
PPS- highlighting and using notes to mark rows works just as well on a Kindle. I am just losing my voice to much thanks to a nasty cold to make another video!
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