A vegan yarn made with soda pop bottle fibers and organic cotton with 4 googley eyes spun in. I was rather amused to find that they formed a face when I photographed it! Looking at the picture, it looks was too fuzzy to bed vegan, the soda pop bottle fibers have just a bit of crimp going on, and I spun them around a core to make them more fluffy.
Well, I guess it is time for an update now that I have had a new job for two weeks! I have been keeping it pretty quiet for the last month or so because I didn’t want to talk about a new job and then have something go wrong with it!
Before I left for my ski trip (which I was sick for almost the whole time) I was offered a job I could not refuse. There was drama. Angst. Much negotiation. And I had to give up a job I loved working and teaching in a yarn store with totally awesome coworkers.

…And I am now finally officially the business manager for the building in Seattle that I live in. I think this is probably rather unsurprising and anticlimactic news to many people since there has been a push for me to run the building for quite some time now. (And seeing as how I both live on site and am related to the owners.) The building is one that my grandfather had wanted to build since the 1970’s, and while he didn’t live to see the completion of the building, he did have a hand in the planning of the building, which follows many of his architectural goals- big windows, lots of space to maneuver around in (he built a house that was wheelchair and handicap accessible long before the current trend), and just a touch of the mid century modern that he and grandma where so fond of.
It is not perfect, but I don’t think a job working for someone not myself ever will be. It is in many ways ideal for being able to run my business part time- no commute, decent health insurance, one of my days off is during the week, hopefully eventually being able to work 4 days instead of 5, and there is some flexibility. The hours work out to be about the same as work before since there is no commute, so I will still be able to head towards my goal of running my business full time- hopefully in a few years, if not less.

(Ok, now it just looks crosseyed! Will be available in my next yarn update once the sale is over.)
I am working on a revamp of Midnightsky Fibers to include dye kits and more hands on stuff, and hopefully more frequent updates (I just need to not get sick any more for awhile, I am sick now but less sick that the person training me, so I am at work on my day off). And hopefully a more streamlined site.
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