All the excitement of having water going everywhere and plumbers taking out chunks of ceiling meant I didn't get as much work done on the vest I am working on as a shop sample, but I am now up to just past the armhole opennings. The pattern is from Sweaters from Camp.

I've been doing quite a bit of dyeing of pastel colors this last week, and spinning lots of muted colors. Pretty much the opposite of the colorful mood I have been in! This particular one is 100% wool. No surprise there, huh?

A did get quite a few (6? 8?) skeins of a 2 ply gold toned yarn with rusty and pink tones spun up. Spinning has been difficult lately because the cat demands to sit right in the center of my lap. He does the same thing with computers, insisting on sitting across BOTH of you arms and half of the laptop's keyboard as well, just for good measure.
I am already so burned out with this quarter. It won't be hard, just very very time intensive, and added to it making sure to have everything set up so I can graduate. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though! I got in to the paralegal program here for the fall!
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