Zeblith, Neptune, and I had an impromptu fondue party, complete with running to TJ's in the middle of it to get chocolate before TJ's closed. We closed up the evening with lots of chocolate- a whole yard of it! Yum. We were later joined by B

(Yes, Neptune is *licking* the yards of chocolate! Yes Neptune I so totally am putting this picture up- you look kinda possessed in it though.)
Last night I made noodles, something I don't do as often as I should, since it is so easy! To make them easier to cut, I roll them out on a very well floured surface while rolling them out and folding it over several times (with lots of flour inside the layers so they don't stick of course). Then, I roll it up in to a long roll and cut with a sharp knife, unrolling the noodles and piling them on whatever nearby surface will work until I have my cutting board back for letting them dry on.

I'm always surprised by how much flour it takes to make the noodles not totally stick to themselves. This time I managed to cut them pretty evenly, if I do say so myself! (Background poster is a WWII poster about bread)

And finally, the current tatting. Vintage cream colored thread in a simple design using split rings and lots of picots. It's actually not that uneven :)

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